
Vanilla Javascript Projects

Click on the links below to access each App

  1. toDos
  2. Quiz App
  3. Text to Speech
  4. Weekly Budget Tracker
  5. Tags Drag and Drop
  6. Password Generator
  7. Quotes Machine
  8. Website Bookmarker
  9. Booklist App
  10. Typing Effect
  11. Weight Converter

API Projects - Apps using data from external APIs

  1. Weather App
  2. Pet Finder
  3. Pagination
  4. Typing Suggestions

Web Components - Elements used on many websites

  1. Image Slider
  2. Filterable List
  3. Accordion
  4. Light/Dark Theme Switcher
  5. Scroll Progress Indicator
  6. Social Media Counter
  7. Page Coming Soon
  8. Drag n Drop
  9. Popup Modal


  1. Speed Typing Lite
  2. Number Guesser